Paul Mackoul MD Lawsuit 2024

In field of health care, maximum patients were found in care centers instead of hospitals to overcome their medical cost and entrust the practitioner for their well-being. But what happens if the doctors working at a center are also the owners? This creates a conflict of interest between a doctor-owner’s financial interests and his willingness to serve for his patient. Same was found in case of a renowned figure in the field of gynecology as Dr. Paul Mackoul, MD. In this article, we take a review into the Paul MacKoul, MD lawsuit, examining the background, allegations and legal proceedings.

Who Is Dr. Paul MacKoul MD?

Dr. Paul MacKoul, MD, a well-known gynecologist known for his expertise in minimally invasive surgeries, particularly in the treatment of complex conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, and pelvic pain. His educational foundation laid the groundwork for his future contributions to medical science. Beyond his clinical achievements, Dr. MacKoul has been an active participant in the broader medical community, sharing his knowledge and expertise through various platforms. He has been involved in researches at advancing minimally invasive surgical techniques, contributing significantly to the body of knowledge in gynecologic surgery. 

Dr. Paul Mackoul was served as an associate professor at The George Washington University Hospital. In 2001, he faced significant legal challenges and lost his privileges after a committee reviewed his “competence or conduct” as a physician. Then he runs his own surgery center with his wife, as the co-founder of The Center for Innovative GYN Care (CIGC) a clinic with multiple locations in the Washington, D.C and New York City metro areas as well as northern New Jersey.

In 2015, he installed a catheter into a patient’s chest who was suffering from uterine cancer. The patient died after the installation even though, he was not certified to perform any type of cancer surgery. Her family sued, alleging that the doctor punctured a vein during installation, causing plaque in her chest and her lung to collapse.

Allegations Against Paul Mackoul

paul mackoul md lawsuit

Allegations Against Paul Mackoul

Dr. Paul Mackoul centers had multiple serious allegations of medical malpractice include negligence, improper diagnosis, surgical errors, and subpar post-operative care. Currently, there are 42 lawsuits pending against him, spread across various states. Specifically, the case that has brought him under severe scrutiny involves a uterine cancer patient from 2015 who unfortunately died following a procedure performed by Dr. Mackoul. 

Despite being certified in cancer surgery, it’s alleged that errors made during the surgery led to fatal complications. This incident has exposed a broader set of claims concerning Dr. Mackoul’s surgical practices and the outcomes of those treatments, raising serious questions about the standard of care provided. However, common complaints in lawsuits against Dr. MacKoul may include claims of surgical errors, post-operative complications, failure to obtain informed consent, and breaches of the standard of care.  

Paul Mackoul MD Lawsuits

Number of claims get involved in lawsuit against Dr. Paul and currently there are 42 lawsuits spreading across various states of America against him. Below are the highlights of some of his lawsuits:

Rola Taleb v Dr. Paul Mackoul:

Plaintiffs Rola Taleb and her parents (Zainab Taleb & Hassan Taleb) filed a complaint at Alternative Despite Resolution Office of Maryland, against Dr. Paul Mackoul as an individual and as agent of Holy Cross Hospital 1500 Forest Glen Road Silver Spring, Maryland, under the jurisdiction of Code of Maryland laws and other public local laws of Maryland and laws of United States, case number 2009.528. They sought an amount exceeded from thirty thousand dollars. 

The plaintiff claim that she was a patient at Holy Cross Hospital OB/GYN clinic back in 2004, to seek for a treatment for apparent infertility, abnormal vaginal discharge and changes in her menses over the past years. She was treated and examined by Dr. Paul and performed many tests like PAP and STD, and are carried out many times but the condition and symptoms of plaintiffs does not improve. Although the Dr. did nothing, just told that she would be fine, until her condition become more emergence. There were no diagnostic procedures performed by the side of doctor, and failed to find abdominal masses during examination.

In spring 2005, a trans-vaginal sonogram was finally performed on her. Over the period of two years the medical student was seeing the plaintiff instead of doctor that shows negligence by the side of doctor. This led to failing to find out the main abdominal masses. Due to this mismanagement the plaintiffs were suffered a long period of physical and emotional pain, she suffered pregnancy and miscarriages and suffered other pains. The doctors of Holy Cross Hospital thereby breach their duty to provide her appropriate medical care.

It was found out that Dr. Paul Mackoul delays her important treatment, postponed her surgery for questionable reasons. This cause a rectal puncture during her surgery at hospital failed to properly excise malignant tissues, failed to remove plaintiff’s entire cervix, left in place a mass that was causing rectal and kidney blockage, and by failing to take cervical mass biopsy, thereby breaching their duty to provide her appropriate medical care. Mackoul shows mishandling in surgery. This act caused direct harm, jeopardized the likelihood of her treatment leasing to successful outcomes and possibility of better health, Thus the damage was claimed in final verdict.

Paul Mackoul V. Maryland State Board of Physicians:

In 2014, Dr. Paul Mackoul filed an appeal in the court of special appeals of Maryland No. 2607. This appeal arises from the decision of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County 

to affirm the Final Decision and Order of the Maryland State Board of Physicians (“the Board”). On February 17, 2009, the patient filed a complaint with the Board, alleging improper conduct by appellant, Paul MacKoul, M.D. (“Dr. MacKoul”). On January 17, 2012, the Board charged Dr. MacKoul with unprofessional conduct in the practice of medicine, in violation of § 14-404(a)(3)(ii) of the Md. Code (1981, 2014 Repl. Vol.), Health Occupations Article.

The Administrative Law Judge at the Office of Administrative Hearings issued a proposed decision on March 12, 2013, after a two-day hearing, concluding that Dr. MacKoul was guilty of unprofessional conduct with respect to Patient. After an Exceptions Hearing before the Board on July 24, 2013, the Board issued a Final Decision and Order on June 3, 2014, imposing a reprimand requiring Dr. MacKoul to complete a Board-approved intensive course on physician-patient interactions.

In October 2008, a Patient was an 89-year-old woman who, among other complex issues, had a uterine prolapse that was no longer managed by the use of pessaries, which are medical devices used to provide support to the uterus. Dr. Carolyn Harrington, Patient’s long-time gynecologist, had inserted her pessaries and recommended that Patient undergo a trans-vaginal hysterectomy. Dr. Harrington referred patient to Dr. MacKoul for a surgical consultation. The consultation took place on September 13, 2008, when Patient and her son met with Dr. MacKoul, with her daughter and son-in-law participating by speakerphone. Patient and her family testified that Dr. MacKoul “advised Patient that she could see a urologist for further evaluation of her bladder, as a second opinion, and to put her mind at ease if she had any concerns regarding potential incontinence.” A urological surgery was performed first, then Dr. Mackoul had to perform his surgery but he denied at the mean time. 

Thereafter, patient’s daughter, on Patient’s behalf, filed a complaint against Dr. MacKoul with the Board. The Board charged Dr. MacKoul with “unprofessional conduct in the practice of medicine” under § 14-404(a) of the Maryland Medical Practice Act.

Factual Allegations on licensee in an administrative hearing:

Dr. Paul Mackual, the respondent was alleged the factual charges from Maryland State Board of Physicians.

On March 9, 2021 the Maryland State Board of Physicians issued a Final Decision and Order, concluded that Dr. Paul Mackoul had engaged in unprofessional conduct in the practice of medicine, grossly over utilized health care services, and failed to meet appropriate standards of care for the delivery of quality medical care. The Maryland Board’s disciplinary action taken against the Respondent was based upon the Respondent’s treatment of nine patients and the performance of over 500 hysterectomies performed between 2013 and 2016. The decision was as under

  • The license to practice medicine in the State of Maryland was suspended for a minimum of one month. 
  • Upon termination of the suspension, he was to be placed on probation for a minimum of two years with terms and conditions. The respondent was required to take and successfully complete an ethic course addressing ethical issues and human participant protection in human subject research. During the first year of probation, the Respondent was prohibited from engaging in any human subject research.
  • During the second year of probation, the Respondent may engage in human subject research and is required to submit his research protocol and IRB approval to the Maryland Board for review and approval prior to commencing research. The Respondent was also ordered to pay a fine of $50,000.00.

Surgery Centers & their complications

Surgery Centers & their complications

Surgery Centers & their complications

Due to rising cost of health care in America the patients are directed towards surgery centers. In 1970, the first surgery center was started in Phoenix to provide convenient and timely care for patients. These are named as “Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs)”. Millions of surgeries were performed in these surgery centers that increase the risk of medical complications. A joint investigation was put on these centers which are plagued by poor oversight, unqualified or ill-equipped staff, and little to no accountability.

Since 2013 more than 260 patients had been died in these surgery centers in America. It is reported that qualifications in these centers aren’t strong either. Many hospitals indicate that only one-third of these surgery center could handle a serious issue that occurred during a procedure. Two people died at Kandis Endoscopy Center in Arkansas, where one suffered from brain damage, but like other 16 states Arkansas does not have any mandate for ASCs to report death after surgery center care.

Guide to Choose a surgery center

To reduce the chance of complications during surgeries you need to find good surgery center for you or your loved ones.

  • Choose a certified surgery center. Medicare and Medicaid provide a list of those centers.
  • Go for a referral surgical center. Talk to your friends and family about their experience if any.
  • Find out the work experience and background of those surgeons or doctors who facilitate in surgery center.
  • Make sure your center is close to a hospital just in case an emergency occurs.


In conclusion, Paul Mackoul was found in many malpractices and substandard medical practices. While Dr. MacKoul’s contributions to gynecologic surgery are noteworthy, the allegations against him highlight the importance of accountability, transparency, and patient advocacy within the medical profession. Paul Mackoul Lawsuit gains popularity in medical field. Although millions of surgical procedures were performed in surgery centers, the patients need to well aware of their disease and the person who is going to treat them.


What are the main allegations in Dr. Paul Mackoul lawsuit?

The lawsuit against Paul Mackoul includes serious allegations, primarily revolving around medical malpractice. The accusations include negligence, improper diagnosis, surgical errors, subpar post-operative care, and emotional distress caused to patients. 

How did the Paul Mackoul MD lawsuit begin?

Legal challenges for Mackoul began to surface significantly after an incident in 2015, involving a uterine cancer patient who died from complications following a procedure he performed. 

What are the potential legal outcomes of the lawsuit?

Potential legal outcomes of the lawsuit against Mackoul include financial compensation being awarded to affected patients, disciplinary actions such as suspension or revocation of his medical license.

Has this Lawsuit affected Dr. MacKoul’s Medical Career?

Of course, this affected Dr MacKoul’s medical career, reputation, and relationships with colleagues and patients. Although he is continuously performing his surgeries.

I am Sher A, the person behind this idea. With education in Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree from the University of Karachi, Pakistan,, like 5 years of experience as a lawyer.

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